Rethymnon Region

Travel Information

Travel Information of Rethymnon Region in Crete Island Greece


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Rethymnon - Crete Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Rethymnon, Crete.
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Rethymnon in Crete Island Greece
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Rethymnon - Beaches of Rethymnon Crete

Information About Rethymnon Beaches

Rethymnon Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Rethymnon Beach

The sandy beach in Rethymnon town is 13 km long ending at Skaleta, an organised beach with crystal clear waters.

Rethymnon - Geropotamos Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Geropotamos Beach

The beach at Geropotamou is below the bridge spanning the river 20 km from Rethymnon. A small beach with a mixture of pebbles, sand and crystal clear water that is quite deep.

Rethymnon - Bali Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Bali Beach

The beach at the resort of Bali is located 34 km from Rethymnon. There are many small coves with lovely beaches.

Rethymnon - Damnoni Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Damnoni Beach

Damoni has a large organised sandy beach just 6 km from Plakias on the south coast, a small resort with accommodation and tavernas.

Rethymnon - Ammoudi Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Ammoudi Beach

Ammoudi is a small pebbled beach 6 km east of Plakias. The beach is protected from strong winds and is popular with nudists as it is quite isolated.

Rethymnon - Preveli Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Preveli Beach

The exotic palm tree beach of Preveli is located at the estuary of the Kourtalioti River and is accessed by boat from Plakias or a 10-15 minute walk from the Preveli Monastery. A short walk upriver will reveal small waterfalls in a natural green environment.

Rethymnon - Triopetra Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Triopetra Beach

Triopetra beach is located 50 km south of Rethymnon. The sandy beach is so named because of the three rocks rising out of the sea; it is also noted for its spectacular sunsets.

Rethymnon - Agios Pavlos Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Agios Pavlos Beach

The beach of Agios Pavlos is 58 km south of Rethymnon. The quiet beach has very small pebbles and crystal clear waters.

Rethymnon - Panormos Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Panormos Beach

Panormos beach is 20 km east of Rethymnon. The organised beach has bronze coloured sand and offers many sea sport activities.

Rethymnon - Agia Galini Beach

Rethymnon Beaches - Agia Galini Beach

The resort of Agia Galini is located 58 km south of Rethymnon and offers two beaches. Both are well organised and offer a variety of sea sport activities.


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