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Attica - Central Greece Hotels and Apartments

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Attica in Central Greece
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Attica - History of Attica, Central Greece

Information About Attica History

Attica hotels and apartments Central Greece

Attica has been inhabited since ancient years and has always played a leading role in historical events of the country. According to historical sources it was first inhabited during the Neolithic era and was known as Akti or Aktiki. Kekropas, the first king of Attica, was the one that concentrated the inhabitants, that lived nomadically until then, and set them up in 12 settlements.

When Theseus became king of Athens he united all settlements into one large city, which was called Athinai. Since then the historic course of the city is identical to that of Attica. Acropolis was the administrative center of the region, and it is there that all races and common cults gathered.

During the 5th century B.C., Athens fought with the Persians twice. The Athenians had developed into a great military force of the time and won both decisive battles against the Persian army.

During the Persian wars, greek cities united forces against the common enemy. The Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C. and Artemisia in480 B.C. were decisive to the outcome of the wars.

The victory over the Persians established Athens as the leader of the Greek nation. At that time the city achieves its greatest economical, political and cultural point. During the golden ages of Athens, the golden century of Pericles, the Acropolis of Athens and all the architectural masterpieces of the Sacred Rock of Acropoli and many other great architectural monuments are built. The prosperity of the city was set back – temporarily – during the Peloponnesian War (431-421 B.C. and 416 – 404 B.C.). Following the defeat of the Athenians by the Lacedaemonian, the city was weakened but continued to be the most important cultural center of Greece.

In 168 B.C. Athens was conquered by the Romans. Unlike to other cities of Greece, the Romans granted privileges to the Athenians and allowed them to maintain their economic prosperity and distinguish themselves in trading.

Throughout the Byzantine era, Athens remained in the sidelines. Then followed a period during which many conquerors claimed the domination of the city. Franks, Catalans and Venetians all crossed swards in order to claim their domination. Finally, in 1456 the Turks conquered Athens and for the next 400 years the entire country was under Turkish occupation. Many ancient monuments were destroyed.

At the early 19th century and specifically in 1800 Lord Elgin of England and ambassador of Constantinople, violently removed parts of the temples of Acropolis, invoking the destruction of ancient monuments.

The inhabitants of Attica took part in the Revolution of 1821. In 1830 the great forces of the time (Britain, France, Russia) declared Greece an independent state.

In 1834 Athens was declared capital of Greece.In 1843 the uprising of the people resulted in the concession od the Constitution. In 1896 the Olympic games revive in Athens. Athens is a contemporary and diverse European city with a glorious history, bright present and promising future.


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