Dodecanese Islands

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Travel Information of Dodecanese Islands Region in Greek Islands


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Dodecanese Islands - Museums in Dodecanese Islands, Greek Islands

Information About the Dodecanese Islands Museums

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Small Elephants Collection (Tilos Island)

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Small Elephants Collection (Tilos Island)

This museum features some of the findings discovered in the cave of Harkadio in Tilos. It is the cave where the professor of Geology and Paleontology of University of Athens, Mr. Nikolaos Symeonidis, discovered fossils of bones of dwarf elephants which had been living in the island for the last 50,000 years and became extinct 3,700 years ago.

In the small room of the exhibition one can see, among other things, two representations of dwarf elephants. The one represents an infant and the other an adult elephant. The bones of the representations come from different individuals of similar proportions, as no whole skeleton has yet been found, not even a complete skull or an intact spine. Bones of anthropological remains are also on exhibition, found in the cove of Saint Antonios of Tilos and dating from the Byzantine times. Examining those remains was the reason for which Dr. Symeonidis visited the island in the first place and then discovered the dwarf elephants.

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Naval Museum (Kalymnos Island)

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Naval Museum
(Kalymnos Island)

At the Naval Museum of Kalymnos which was founded in 1994, we can learn about the naval tradition of the island, its history and methods of sponge collection and many objects from ancient ship wrecks. In four rooms of the museum there are a lot of objects dealing with the profession of the fishermen’s sponge collecting and treatment.

Located on the coastline of Pothias, the building of the old Vouvaleioy Technical School, next to the City Hall which operates: Daily: 7:00-13:30 - Saturday and Sunday 10.00-12:30.

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Archaeological Museum (Kos Island)

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Archaeological Museum (Kos Island)

The Archaeological Museum of Kos is housed in a nice two-storey building with three entrances topped by arches. Several sculptures from the excavations carried out by Italians after the strong earthquake of 1933 are displayed in three rooms surrounding the atrium, which is decorated with the excellent mosaic presenting the arrival of Aesculapius at Kos. Access to the atrium is possible via an anti-chamber.

The first floor has been reserved for the pottery collection, but it is closed to the public. Several of the mosaic pavements, which should be displayed in the museum are actually found in Rhodes, as the Italians, in the late 1930s transported them there in order to decorate the famous Palace of the Great Master, which was then being restored.

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Archaeological Museum (Rhodes Island)

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Archaeological Museum (Rhodes Island)

The archaeological museum of Rhodes is housed in the Hospital of the Kings, one of the most important buildings built during the rule of the Knights, and consists of a large interior courtyard surrounded by a two-storey building. The museum displays a rich and very interesting collection consisting of various statues, sarcophagus, vases, mosaics, vessels, ceramics and much more.

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Military Museum (Leros Island)

Dodecanese Islands Museums - Military Museum
(Leros Island)

The War Museum has been constructed inside the military tunnel of Merikia, which has been renovated with care and respect. The exhibits have been donated by the Greek army or locals and include photographs, maps, models, etc. At the end of the tunnel there is a projection of a short film about the Battle of Leros, while outside we find a Military Park with military vehicles, weapons, etc.

Dodecanese Islands Museums - The Treasure Museum of the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian (Patmos Island)

Dodecanese Islands Museums - The Treasure Museum of the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian (Patmos Island)

The museum is located in the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, which overlooks the capital of Patmos, Chora. It is a small museum housing all the treasures of the monastery, including valuable icons, ecclesiastical ornaments, embroideries, superb icons and pendants adorned with precious stones.

Opening times: 8am to 1pm Monday to Saturday, 8am to noon and 4 to 6pm on Sunday and 4 to 6pm on Tuesday and Thursday.


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