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Travel Information of Evritania Region in Central Greece


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Evritania - Central Greece Hotels and Apartments

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Travel Information
Evritania in Central Greece
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Cities & Villages

Evritania - Cities & Villages of Evritania, Central Greece

Information About Evritania Cities & Villages

Evritania - Koryschades

Evritania - Koryschades

One of the most beautiful and historical villages of Evritania, near Karpenisi, is Koryschades. Built at an altitude of 950m, amongst the mountain tops “Palaiokastro”, “Lekogianni” and “Psilo Kotroni”, it impresses each visitor with its stone mansions, beautiful paved square with its playground and of course the perfectly renovated building of the Primary School. Koryschades has been declared a preferable settlement and is an ideal destination throughout the entire year.

Evritania - Chrysso

Evritania - Chrysso

The village is located at an altitude of approximately 750 m, at the foothills of the northeastern part of Kafkios and the glorious rock of Tourla. The dominating form are the fir trees, but also due to the many springs of the area, we see many sycamore trees as well. The springs are also a source of energy for the village as they help operate the water mill.

In Chrysso the only traditional building that have been preserved are those of the three churches: The Virgin Mary, with its wooden temple of 1732, Trion Taxiarhon (Three Archanhels) and that of Saint Paraskevi. There are not many traditional houses as the Italian conquerors burnt down most of the houses of the village on December 4th,1942. The few houses that were not destroyed in the fire, were destroyd in the 1966 earthquake. The only traditional constructions, besides the three churches mentioned above, are the arched fountains made of stone which date back to the era of Mystra. Also in the village there are two arched bridges also made of stone dating back to the 15th century. The bridges are located along a small river called Chryssiotis.

The grave of Veligkeka was in Chrysso but unfortunately only a few remains have been preserved.

Evritania - Granitsa

Evritania - Granitsa

Granitsa is a mountainous village of Evritania, built at an altitude of 850m, within the green woodland of mount Liakoura, next to a small river known as Granitsiotis. The rich water flows everywhere. The village has maintained its original form without any influences.

It is 82 klm northwest of Karpenisi and is the hometown of Stefanos Granitsa, Demostheni Goula, Michael Stafyla, Markus Gkiolia and many other great creators of evritanian art. It is also the birth place of martyr Michael Mavroudis, who died in Thessaloniki in 1544 (a marble inscription has been put up at the exact spot of his death in the center of Thessaloniki). During the Turkish domination the village had 17 churches most of which have been destroyed. All nine of the remaining churches show great interest as they were all built during different eras.

Evritania - Abliani

Evritania - Abliani

Abliani (that used to be known as Stavropigio) is a settlement of the prefecture of Evritania with a population of 255 inhabitants. It is located on the south of the prefecture and is built at an altitude of 1,220 meters. It belongs to the Municipality of Domnitsa and is located approximately 31 klm. from the capital city, Krikello. The name "Stavropigio" came from a monastery which was in the area during the Byzantine era. The name "Abliani" is of Slavic origin and was given to the given due to the many small springs (ablades) of the area.

Before the Revolution of 1821, Abliani, following Karpenisi, was one of the largest settlements of Evritania. During the Occupation, the inhabitants had an active part in the Resistance, and of course paid the consequences, as the Germans burnt the village down. Today its population according to the 2001 census is 255 inhabitants, of which the permanent inhabitants during winter are even less. Abliani is known for its weaving and female traditional garments.

The traditional dance of "Stegkos" is notable, which is danced on the eve of the Saint Paraskevi each year (July 26th). The festivities take place at the homonymous part of the village. The churches inside and outside of the village are also great sights, such as Saint Paraskevi (1867), Saint Nicholas, Saint Sotira (at the burial site), Saint Johns and the church of Prophet Elias.

Evritania - Tripotamo (Three Rivers)

Evritania - Tripotamo (Three Rivers)

Tripotamo, the village of the three rivers, also known as Tartana, is also the capital of the homonymous municipal district of Fragkistras. It is located approximately 70 klm. from Karpenisi, near the borders with the prefecture of Aetoloacarnania at an altitude of 540m.

At the village there is also the monastery of Tartana, near the location of the old Byzantine and historical monastery, which offered not only to orthodoxy but also to the national rebirth. A sanctuary for many during the revolution (Katsantonis, Diplas, Karaiskakis), was destroyed many times, erected by Othonas and finally collapsed after the completion of the artificial lake of Kremaston.

The new monastery has preserved many relics amongst which is the offering of Katsantonis.


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