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Travel Information of Evritania Region in Central Greece


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Evritania - Central Greece Hotels and Apartments

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Travel Information
Evritania in Central Greece
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Evritania - Archaeological Sites of Evritania, Central Greece

Information About Evritania Archaeological Sites

Evritania Archaeological Sites - Monastery of Proussos

Evritania Archaeological Sites - Monastery of Proussos

The Monastery of Proussos is one of few preserved monasteries in Evritania. It is a fascinating cupola cruciform temple. On the west, at the root of the rock, there is a crypt which has been shaped into a chapel. The preserved murals are works of art dating back to 1785. In the crypt, on the outer side a mural of the 13th century is preserved and on the inside we find 2 layers, one of which dating back to 1518. Also notable is the wooden temple of the crypt which dates back to 1810.

The Sacrarium of the Monastery contains many valuable Code manuscripts, icons, Sacred Vessels, reliquaries and books. A museum operates at the Monastery that includes icons from the 15th and 15th century, sacred vestments, silver and gold chalices, handwritten codes, books and the sword of Karaiskaki.

Outside of the Monastery there are 2 castles on the left and right known as the “Towers of Karaiskakis”. There is also the chapel of Agion Panton, which was built in 1754. The building that accommodated the ‘Greek Grammar School” during the Turkish domination is also preserved.

Evritania Archaeological Sites - Klausi

Evritania Archaeological Sites - Klausi

Just 9 klm from Karpenisi, at an altitude of 800m is where Klafsi is located. Many identify it with ancient Kallion, the capital of Evritania, but it has not been confirmed. Tradition has it that Klafsi or Klapsi got its name from the tears shed by the inhabitants after its destruction by the Gall raid in 279 BC.

There is a beautiful view from the location of the village, while at the town square you can enjoy coffee and food with a nice breeze during the summer and flaming fireplaces during the winter. At the edge of the village there is a great old-christian monument, known as the temple of Saint Leonidas ( bishop of Athens that suffered in Corinth in 251 AD.), which was discovered by accident in 1955, when after a big rainstorm its beautiful mosaic floors came to the surface. During the following excavations (1957-1958) it was proved to be a three-aisled basilica of the 5th century AD, with dimensions 28x18 meters and many great mosaics with representations of animals, birds, fish and artistic embroidery. The temple has been preserved, roofs have been built in order to protect the floors and it operates once a year.

Evritania Archaeological Sites - Ancient Settlement of Gla.

This is one of the speculated locations of ancient Oichalia, capital of Evritania, which was wrongly called Hochlia. At times several archaeological finds of domestic and military nature were located in the area of mount Gla, amongst which is the statuette of Dionyssos (with a crown made of ivy), a piece from the 2nd century BC, 0.48m tall and is kept at the Archaeological Museum of Athens. The “Shrine of Agia Paraskeui” is located opposite, southwest of Gla, its roof is based on two elaborated capitals and is decorated with fronts and Visors. Hochlia is 42 klm from Karpenisi.


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